Friday, October 15, 2010

Cough Cough.

So the past three days have been terrible. I have this super annoying sore throat that doesn't want to leave me alone. During the day when I get moving about, I barely notice it but nights are a totally different story. Falling asleep is almost impossible and I wake up several times a night. It feels like someone took sand paper and sanded down the walls of my throat. When I wake up in the morning, I am completely hoarse. I can barely swallow and the soreness is like a punch in the stomach.
Basically I've been miserable. It has sucked to the millionth power. The weird part is that it's only my throat. My body overall feels fine. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.
On a lighter note, someone I know told me they felt their baby moving at around fifteen weeks and today I hit fifteen weeks exactly! So I'm pretty excited. Also it feels good to know that I'm almost half way through my pregnancy. I can't wait to meet my little baby.
Also, my mom has gone a little OCD shopping for baby clothes. She's all obsessed with buying tons of baby clothes. It's kind of cute to see her so excited. Even though she walked in the other day with a pink jumpsuit swearing up and down that it was a girl. Hope she kept the receipt just in case!

-Does anyone know of any good home remedies for sore throats?

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