Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's a Boy!

I'm pleased to announce that at 8:25 am, I found out I was carrying a little dude!
I have no words to explain how ridiculously excited I am, this is so awesome. I know it might be a little early but the registry is done at Babys R Us already. I can't wait for my baby shower. I can't wait to hold little Nikolas. He was such a kicker this morning. Wouldn't stay still for more then a second but he most definitely wasn't shy! He has his little legs open so visibility was easy. He looks so different from his last ultrasound. He actually looks like a baby! Cute little baby face and chubby belly.
I am so anxious for the next few weeks to fly by. I wish I could just fast forward. I also wish I just won the lottery so I could run out and buy a million things. AHHH.
Overall today was awesome. It's really great to know what you are carrying so you can stop referring your  little baby to 'it'. Now I can rub my belly proudly and call him by his name, I mean Nikolas.

-The lack of posts is totally due to the lack of news or anything to write about. I got over my cold after a WEEK! Can you believe it? A whole miserable week. I have come to the conclusion that I will probably only post once a week or whenever news arise. So check back once a week!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jinx, you owe me a soda.

So I did jinx myself. I've spent the past four days coughing up a lung. My body has been aching and the sinus headaches continuous. On the bright side, my throat doesn't hurt as bad as it did since yesterday. Still a little sore, but overall a little better. I also had a doctors appointment yesterday where my doctor decided he wanted to officially figure out how far along I was because everyone was telling him something different. The nurses were going by my last period which is totally irregular and made my due date a ridiculous February something. I was going by my free ultrasound I had gotten where they told me I was due April 8th. But my good doctor wanted a for sure type of answer so he did a quick ultrasound and measured my little baby at 17 weeks and 4 days. Talk about exciting!
Which means... drum rolls please!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited. It's all I think about. I wish the 27th would just get here already. I'm so anxious, nervous, happy and a million other things. I'm crossing my fingers that the week just flies by. When the 27th comes it's seriously going to be like my birthday, Christmas and wedding day combined.
I can start buying things accordingly! I can start the nursery! I can do anything!
Best of all I can start calling my baby by it's name and not he/she (which changes every other day) or jellyfish. Which is adorable yes, but being able to call my little baby by it's name will be so much more special.

-And now I'm off to do the happy dance until next Wednesday. I can barely wait!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cough Cough.

So the past three days have been terrible. I have this super annoying sore throat that doesn't want to leave me alone. During the day when I get moving about, I barely notice it but nights are a totally different story. Falling asleep is almost impossible and I wake up several times a night. It feels like someone took sand paper and sanded down the walls of my throat. When I wake up in the morning, I am completely hoarse. I can barely swallow and the soreness is like a punch in the stomach.
Basically I've been miserable. It has sucked to the millionth power. The weird part is that it's only my throat. My body overall feels fine. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.
On a lighter note, someone I know told me they felt their baby moving at around fifteen weeks and today I hit fifteen weeks exactly! So I'm pretty excited. Also it feels good to know that I'm almost half way through my pregnancy. I can't wait to meet my little baby.
Also, my mom has gone a little OCD shopping for baby clothes. She's all obsessed with buying tons of baby clothes. It's kind of cute to see her so excited. Even though she walked in the other day with a pink jumpsuit swearing up and down that it was a girl. Hope she kept the receipt just in case!

-Does anyone know of any good home remedies for sore throats?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Battles of the Sexes.

I always wanted a boy first. I wanted to shower my little boy with race cars, legos, bionics etc. I wanted him to be Tonka tough. A boy first so that when I had a little girl she had a protector. Someone to look up to. After my ultrasound I had this strange feeling that it was a boy. Except I wasn't excited as I thought. Secretly I had been fantasizing about all things pink and frilly. I even prematurely made a registry based on the fact that it was a girl. I know, sounds ridiculous. I have no idea why I became so set on a girl. I'm going to blame it on hormones.
Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited either way. I'll love a little boy just as much as a little girl. I think little dudes are absolutely adorable. I just feel like I'm on a teeter totter with the sex of this baby. One day I'm all like "HECK YES! BOYS!" and the next I'm crossing my fingers for a little lady. I can imagine a little boy outside with his daddy learning how to toss a football just as much as I can imagine myself sitting on the floor with a little girl playing with dolls and makeup and watching Beauty and the Beast.
I can see myself dressing a little boy with cute little Vans slip-ons and a striped hoodie and then I see myself dressing up a little girl in a summer dress with bows in her hair. I am a serious case of indecision.
But at the end of the day, my decision doesn't matter because my little baby already has a set destiny and I can't wait to be a part of it. All I can hope for is for a healthy, happy child.
So for now, I'm just going to sit back and wait.
I can't wait to meet my baby boy/little lady.

-I realize how nutty I sound in this post. It's the hormones I tell you!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lazy Days.

Alright, I'll admit it. I've been uber lazy about posting new posts lately. I swore to myself that I would post at the very least every two days and I have no excuse. I know I don't but what can I say, I'm a pro at procrastinating . It's not like I do much during the day but I still manage to do a million little things that prevent me from being on the computer for too long.
Anyway, today marks an important milestone. I am officially 14 weeks. It seems like time is flying by ridiculously fast.
Wasn't I just 4 weeks yesterday? At the same time I feel like time has gone so slow. I've known I was pregnant since I was 4 weeks and 10 weeks later, it kind of feels like I still have an eternity to go. I wish I could feel a little kick or two already! I know, I know, I should be cherishing these weeks because in about four to five more months I'll miss this easy stage of pregnancy.
I do consider myself lucky though. I haven't had many dramatic symptoms. No nausea, no pains, nothing. My boobs don't even hurt! Which makes me super happy because sore boobs = bad mood.
I have another doctors appointment on Tuesday and I'm so not excited about it. Blood work and total loss of decency (which I hear I should get used to) but then the following one I get to see my baby again, which makes me ridiculously excited.
Overall the past few days have been boring to say the least. Nothing new or interesting to write about. I'm once again on a chili binge and that about covers anything exciting.
Lately, I've been thinking about going on a babymoon to take advantage of these pain free few weeks.
All I have to do now is convince the husband :)

-I will be making an extra special effort to return to my regular posting schedule. I want to look back in a year or so and read all these little tidbits of information. Well, now I bid you all au'revoir!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

You're Real.

So this past Thursday I had my second ultrasound. This time it was way more then just a little gestational sac. It was my little baby! The second he came into view I had a rush of so many feelings. I was excited, happy, overwhelmed, nervous and so many other feelings. I realized the very moment I saw the little flutters of his heartbeat that he was real. I know that sounds odd but up until then, I obviously knew I was pregnant but I didn't one hundred percent believe it.
Another surprising discovery that I made was this oddly strong gut instinct that it was a boy. Hence my "he" references. Now I could definitely be wrong but it came over me so strong that for now, I'm going to stand by it. Anyway, seeing my little baby move and jump made me ecstatic. It was also surreal to watch him move so much and not feel anything. I can't wait to feel little kicks. I could have seriously watched him on that ultrasound for days on end. It was so amazing.
How incredible to see that something is thriving inside of you. Up until my ultrasound I had been doing my best to eat well, etc. but now I feel like I have to make sure that everything I eat is decently healthy because I want to make sure he's getting the best of everything. It's so crazy that just seeing the ultrasound makes such a difference.
Now I wasn't planning on doing this but I'm really excited to share my favorite snapshot from the Ultrasound so here goes.
When the ultrasound started I think he was asleep because he was all curled up into a little ball. Then all of a sudden he jumped and they got this snapshot of his looking right out as if saying "Excuse me, can I have some privacy?". It was adorable and made my heart skip a beat.

-Sorry about not posting for 3 days, after Thursday I've kind of been in a happy daze. I hope you guys enjoyed the ultrasound picture!