Friday, November 9, 2012

Little People.

Today has been a day of reminiscing. 
Everyone around me is having little babies and I am really excited and happy and slightly jealous?

I miss having a little newborn.
There's nothing quite like it in the entire world.
That little newborn smell.

With that being said, at this point I would rather reminisce then have another child. I've always thought I wanted at least three children. I think I only want Nikolas because I can't imagine having to share my love with another child. That sounds selfish but it's the truth.

I also know deep down that if I were to have another one, I would love that little baby just as much. 

I'm a walking contradiction, I know.

I mean look at that little squishy newborn face. 

I totally know that they should always sleep on their backs but he was just too darn cute to move. He was having tummy time and then he literally just laid his head down and passed out. Being a little baby is just so exhausting.

& Although newborns are like the best thing EVER, so is watching them grow. Watching their little personalities take shape. My absolute favorite memory of Nikolas is the time when he laughed for the first time. That deep belly laugh where they think whatever you're doing is like, the coolest, most funniest thing ever. It can seriously warm even the coldest heart. Baby laughs are a mixture of fairy dust and clouds, and love and and and...

To all the new mommies, Congratulations. Enjoy and hold on to every second. It goes by quicker then you could ever imagine. 

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