I feel like the only word coming out of my mouth is 'no'.
He demands everything and pitches the biggest tantrum when he doesn't get it. Arms flailing, legs kicking and everything.
He is also learning how to completely ignore us when we call for him. Seriously, when I call his name when he's doing something he shouldn't be, he just acts like he can't hear me and goes about his business. When I sit him down and try to talk to him, he completely refuses to look at me!
It's like he woke up and thought to himself, "Today I'm going to do absolutely everything I'm not supposed to".
Kids are a lot smarter then we think they are. They figure us out before we even do. They revel in our reactions, good or bad.
Besides a few little spurts here and there, he has always been a really laid back kid.
He's never been one for tantrums or not listening. When we're out in public everyone always praises on how good he is.
I think he's finally coming around to the 'terrible twos'. It's been a wake up call for us. He's getting very bold and assertive, and we know he is just trying to establish his independence, but that doesn't make it any easier. I've been researching on effective ways to discipline a toddler and I have a few things I'm going to be trying out in the next few days.
I find the hardest part to be consistent because, I myself tend to take a more relaxed approach to parenting.
Being a parent is so interesting because even when you've prepared yourself as much as you could, even when you thought that you read every book there was, you can't prepare for these kind of things when it actually happens. Kind of like pregnancy.
I've always had an idea for what I wanted to shape Nikolas into. What I have started to realize is that although I can guide him and set an example for him, I can't mold him into what I want to. He has his own personality and an entire world to explore. He will learn through his choices and through our examples and I want to always try to set the best examples.
I've never been a very patient person, and he is teaching me to be patient. To take a deep breath and see life through his little eyes. To see everything as an exploration and adventure. I teach him and he teaches me.
Please excuse the bruise under his eye. My little daredevil literally ran into a table during an intense game of 'I'm gonna get you'. Don't worry, he was tough and didn't even cry. He just looked at me and said and I quote, "Ouchies".
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