Friday, July 8, 2011

Fresh Start.

It's been almost four months since my world has been turned completely upside down. Four months since my whole reason for living changed drastically. Four months since I found true happiness.
Being a mother is the most exquisite adventure anyone can ever be blessed to have.
When Nikolas was first born, I wasn't sure what my life would be like. Honestly, I wasn't even sure if I would be a good mother or if I would like being a mother. It took me a while to settle in but I finally feel comfortable with where I am. My son is the most amazing little person. It's so bizarre how quickly they learn new things. Last month he was barely smiling at people. Today, he laughs, interacts and expresses himself with squeals of delight and kicks of joy. It's only been 30 days since he started really socializing. It absolutely stumps me that something so little and fragile is at the same time so strong and intelligent. The first 2 months with him was stressful. He was jaundiced so he was taken off breast milk. Then he was put back on it. Then taken off again, and so on. We discovered he was also lactose intolerant (not to men. After realizing it was my breast milk that he couldn't properly digest we went through a non stop formula switching fiasco. Finally we found something that worked for him and it's been smooth sailing since.
And now, without further interruptions, I would like you all to meet my babe; Nikolas Alexander!

P.S- By the end of my pregnancy I had totally given up on this blog, if you couldn't tell. I had these huge plans and ideas to take this blog in a really awesome direction, giving readers a view on what it's like to raise a baby at a young age. I wanted to have this as some sort of diary, a memoir, so that I could look back on it years from now. I'm returning to finish what I started :)

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