Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jinx, you owe me a soda.

So I did jinx myself. I've spent the past four days coughing up a lung. My body has been aching and the sinus headaches continuous. On the bright side, my throat doesn't hurt as bad as it did since yesterday. Still a little sore, but overall a little better. I also had a doctors appointment yesterday where my doctor decided he wanted to officially figure out how far along I was because everyone was telling him something different. The nurses were going by my last period which is totally irregular and made my due date a ridiculous February something. I was going by my free ultrasound I had gotten where they told me I was due April 8th. But my good doctor wanted a for sure type of answer so he did a quick ultrasound and measured my little baby at 17 weeks and 4 days. Talk about exciting!
Which means... drum rolls please!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited. It's all I think about. I wish the 27th would just get here already. I'm so anxious, nervous, happy and a million other things. I'm crossing my fingers that the week just flies by. When the 27th comes it's seriously going to be like my birthday, Christmas and wedding day combined.
I can start buying things accordingly! I can start the nursery! I can do anything!
Best of all I can start calling my baby by it's name and not he/she (which changes every other day) or jellyfish. Which is adorable yes, but being able to call my little baby by it's name will be so much more special.

-And now I'm off to do the happy dance until next Wednesday. I can barely wait!

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