I cannot for the life of me believe that the last time I updated I still had 55 days to go. My baby is already going to be a month old! I know, I'm terrible. So much for documenting every little detail of my pregnancy. Truth be told towards the end all I cared about was eating and sleeping much like a hibernating bear. Heres the deets though, I gave birth to my little pumpkin on March 16th, 2011 at 2:45am via Cesarian. Yes he was a bit early. No he was not the giant 8-10lb monster we all thought he would be. My little prince was only 6lbs 15oz. He was absolutely perfect and stole my heart from the second I heard his little cry.
The night he was born started off like any other night. I was laying in bed watching TV stuffing my face before going to sleep when I started having some intense back pains. I told my husband about it and he of course immediately starting freaking out. As they got worst I decided to just go ahead and head off to the hospital but before I left I took a quick shower. On our way to the hospital I thought that I may have overreacted a little and that this was just probably some silly pain that had nothing to do with the baby. When I got to the hospital they hooked me up to their tons of monitors and I kept asking them if they were going to admit me but they were all so vague about it. They had an ultrasound tech come and see how the baby was positioned and of course he was breech.
All of a sudden they starting prepping me for a C-Section and at 2:45am you were born!
I know, I'm so great with going into details but you know, being home with an 'almost' one month old has a way of making sure that you do whatever you need to do quickly and I really wanted to at least update this.
Anyway, being at home with a newborn can be so exhausting on some days. Especially days like today where he does everything he can to not sleep so he's super cranky and when I finally do get him to sleep he decides to wake up within an hour. Oh the joys of parenting.
Other days, he's a perfect angel and the day goes by so smoothly.
I do want to eat his little piggy toes every day though.
Basically, I love being a mother and I never thought I could really love someone so much. Cliche, but true. He's my entire universe and I can't even imagine my life without him. He's the greatest blessing in my life.
& now, mommy duty calls!